The Brief:
To create a catalogue of content to help Safestore connect with their customers on social media through a shared love of stuff.
To produce 3 short films, a catalogue of images and a range of gifs, I approached several collectors and worked with them closely, to produce a story about their collection. I arranged for each collection to be carefully packed and transported to a photographic studio, where I had sourced and a director, photographer and set designer to create all the films and photo shoots. Working closely wit the team we allowed for 2 days filming for each film and 1 days shoot for each collection.
Outreach with bloggers totalling over 8.3 million reach to date with these backlinks strengthening Safestore's SEO ranking - a key measure of success for the campaign - as organic search is a key sales channel within storage. As well as blogger engagement, we also secured significant PR coverage including in lifestyle press including Flux Magazine, Sabotage Times and Entertainment Focus due to the art direction and editorial quality content. This helped Safestore tap into a new audience that they never dreamed of reaching previously.
It inspired the whole business to reconnect with their customers, and now daily stories are shared on social about the customers and their love of stuff and resulted in an uplift in traffic to site of 27% from the previous year.